Roles & Permissions in Qatalyst

In Qatalyst, roles and permissions play a pivotal role in managing user access and control within the platform. Assigning specific roles to users ensures that the right people have the right level of authority to perform their tasks efficiently. In this article, we will delve into the key roles available in Qatalyst and their associated permissions.


The Owner role represents the highest level of authority within Qatalyst. Owners are individuals who create the workspace.

  • Admin Privileges: Owners automatically possess Admin-level privileges within their respective workspace. This means they can perform all actions available within the platform.


The Admin role is the second-highest level of authority within Qatalyst. Users with this role have unrestricted access to all features and actions in the platform. Admins can perform a wide range of actions, including:

  • Create, edit, and delete studies.
  • Manage users, including adding, modifying, or removing user accounts.
  • Access and modify billing and subscription details.
  • Configure and modify system settings.
  • Invite new users to join the platform.
  • Admins are essentially the gatekeepers of the platform, responsible for overseeing its overall functionality and ensuring that all aspects run smoothly.


Editors, on the other hand, have a more restricted set of permissions compared to Admins. While Editors are trusted with some level of control, they do not have access to certain critical actions. Here are the restrictions associated with the Editor role:

  • Delete a Study: Editors can manage and make changes to studies but are not allowed to delete them entirely.
  • View the Subscription/Billing Page: Editors cannot view subscription and billing information.
  • Deactivate Other Users: Editors do not have the authority to deactivate or remove other user accounts from the platform.
  • View the Settings: Editors can only view their profiles in the system setting.
  • Invite Users: Editors cannot invite new users to the platform.