October 27th, 2023


  • During Live website testing, if no audio is available for the recording as per the design, an error message will be displayed to the user while they view the relevant blocks.

Bug Fixes🔧

  • Previously, in the Live Website testing, there were instances where transcripts were generated, but audio validation did not take place, resulting in inaudible results. In this fix, this matter has been rectified, and audio is now audible as per expected results.
  • The issue with failed Figma link importation has been resolved. The Figma link now imports to the prototype test block without any issues enhancing the platform experience.
  • We have successfully resolved the issue with the Eye Tracking (ET) data results not being uploaded to the dashboard during Live Website testing. The results are now being uploaded as expected.
  • We've resolved the delay issue in capturing Eye Tracking (ET) data compared to video recordings. ET data is now in sync with the recording.
  • The problem with the Eye Tracking (ET) data being captured at only one data point per second has been resolved. Validation shows that the ET data is now being captured at more than one data point per second.