May 23rd, 2024

Bug Fixes🔧

  •  Fixed the issue where users were redirected to the login page when copying URLs in a new tab. Now, you'll go straight to the dashboard as expected.
  • Resolved the missing "no audio" error message issue. The error now appears reliably when no audio is detected.
  • Corrected the respondent count not updating when a tester drops off in a prototype block after calibration. The tester count now updates accurately.
  • Addressed the issue with the Pexel API not rendering the correct page, preventing repetitive images in the UI.
  • Fixed the scrolling issue to ensure you can view all tester details without any cut-offs.
  • Resolved the problem where updated team names required a hard refresh to appear. Team names now update seamlessly.
  • Fixed the clickable mouse pointer issue on the team details page when hovering over tester details. The pointer is now non-clickable as expected.