How to delete a study?
The Library section in Qatalyst is where all your draft, published and closed studies are stored. From this page, you can delete the studies. Use the below steps for deleting studies in Qatalyst.
Note that you can only delete the studies which are in the draft stage.
Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.
Step 2: Click on the "Library Icon" at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the library page. Here you can access all the studies present in your workspace.
Step 3: To delete a study, simply hover over the study card, and a checkbox will appear on it, select the card by checking the checkbox. You can select multiple cards in this way.
Step 4: Once you have selected the card, click on the icon button present at the bottom bar of the page, and your studies will be deleted.