Analytics Report Generation


Qatalyst offers users the ability to generate reports that provide a clear and concise representation of the result and analytics of the study created. These reports are designed to be shareable, allowing users to effectively communicate their insights with stakeholders or anyone using the shareable URL. 

 Moreover, confidentiality is a top priority when it comes to sensitive data. We recognize this need and provide the option to password-protect your reports. 

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of generating shareable reports in Qatalyst. 


Step 1: Once you log in to the decode platform, you will arrive on the dashboard. From the navigation panel on the left-hand side, click on the "Library" icon.

Step 2: After you have clicked on the library option, you will arrive at the home screen of the library. On this page, you will be able to see a repository of all the studies conducted.  

Step 3: To view details and insights of the study, click on a study card. 

Step 4: Go to the Report tab from the navigation panel at the top of the page and access the Reports.

On this page, you will find the link for accessing the report. You can either view the report from the same page or copy the link and view the report.

Step 5: You can also password-protect your Reports by clicking on the "Lock" icon next to the report link.

Once you click on the button, another field will be added for adding the password. Add the password and click on the save icon(✔️). 

Note: You can only add alphabets in the password, and the minimum character limit is 3.