May 27th, 2024

Android Mobile App Update 📱✨

We're excited to announce that in addition to Checkbox, Star Rating, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Paragraph, Thumbs-up & Thumbs-down, Smiley Rating blocks, Likert Scale and Context blocks, the Android Mobile App Testing now supports one new block.

The latest Android app version will be v2.5. Please install or update to the latest version before taking any test in the Qatalyst app.

Consent Block📝

We now support a consent block for Android mobile app testing, ensuring users can easily provide their consent before participating. This enhances transparency and compliance, improving user trust and ensuring adherence to ethical standards.

Bug Fixes🔧

  • The 'others' option now appears in the insights tab only if it was actually used by testers. Previously, it showed up even when not used.
  • Blocks no longer get skipped when the application is switched to any other app and reopened. They will stay in place as intended.
  • The mobile app no longer crashes on some devices during tests. It now works properly and submits insights correctly.