March 6th, 2024

Android Mobile App Testing Enhancements 📱

We're excited to announce that in addition to Checkbox, Star Rating, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Paragraph, Thumbs-up & Thumbs-down and Smiley Rating blocks now the Android Mobile App Testing supports two new blocks.

The latest Android app version will be v2.1. Please install or update to the latest version before taking any test in the Qatalyst app.

1. Likert Scale Block 📏

Supporting Likert scale blocks in Android mobile app testing provides a nuanced understanding of user sentiment and preferences, enhancing the accuracy of feedback collection, and ultimately leading to improved app usability and user satisfaction.


2. Context Block 📝

Experience a seamless journey through your mobile app testing with the support of the Context block, providing testers with invaluable insights for optimized performance and task completion.


Android Mobile App Testing Crash Data ⚠️

With this improvement, a user's crash report will now be tracked which also includes the date, time, event name (reason), device, and operating system version, in the event of any issues or crashes encountered during test sessions.

This ensures ease of troubleshooting, detecting potential crashes and resolving them, leading to a more stable and reliable tester experience.

Bug Fix🔧

  • We've resolved the positioning issue of the "others" option on the tester view for the MCQ block. Now, the "others" option is displayed as intended according to the design.